Monday, January 24, 2011

The music speaks...

Tone melody tunes and harmonies. Life is good when you have something to listen to. Music means so much to so many. That being said it makes me wonder why there are so many in this world out to destroy the gift of music. No, not religious fanatics or the tone deaf kids on the singing competition shows.
The true assassins of the great gift are the horrible artists who invade the airwaves with their so called versions of music.

You cannot turn on the radio (satellite or free) without this noise pollution invading ears all around the country. There is a wave of artists hitting us with their so called talent and/or skillz. During the lasts days of the record industry so they imply (slumping sales, piracy, and every other excuse the industry comes up with) how is it right auto tune and weak lyrics rule the day?

The plague of bad is across the board. Rappers who bring beats not words. (check out Syllables by Eminem featuring the remaining bit of good left in the industry. The song sums up the state of hip-hop/rap quite well). Pop artists who bring the party but are amazingly light on talent (yes even worse then all the crap the 80s had to offer combined). Country crooners who have nothing real to go on about (what do 15 year olds know about love and 50 year olds know about being the life of the party). Rock has gone to the whiny bitch boys who used to not be allowed within 50 feet of the art. The macho rock god of the past has given way to the whiny teenager crying over lost love or maybe stuck tampon. (skinny jeans and baby tee aren't proper attire to rock out in. Unless you truly do own a vagina). I'd talk about jazz but who really pays attention to it anymore. Besides everyone in the genre has seemed to be the same for the last few decades. Though with the lack of mainstream attention it is probably the last refuge for a true artist to express themselves freely.
Yes it's a sad day for the state of music and it's many lovers. Alas gentle readers there is hope. From every child that picks up their first guitar, every boy and girl who sings in front of the mirror, every time someone shows real promise in their music class (before the school shuts it down for lack of funding); these are the moments that give me real hope. So anyone with any talent or at least some potential sing a little song, write a new rhyme, dance an epic dance, and dream of something greater the world depends on you for this.

- a look inside the mind of D -

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