Saturday, June 30, 2012

Top 10 Lies Men Tell Women

Top 10 Lies Men Tell Women | Love + Sex - Yahoo! Shine:

Relationships are difficult and lies only make it worse. It's a basic lesson that everyone should learn. Why don't we all just tell the truth from the very beginning? Honestly I wish I knew the answer myself it would have saved me a lot of grief in this life. Frankly lies seem to break down into a few basic categorical reasons as to why they are told.

First lie group: We really just don't want to deal with the consequences. Either we fucked up, did something really stupid or the question has an answer that there is NO WAY IN HELL the person asking really wants to hear. No man woman or child will ever tell the fat chick that YES YOU LOOK LIKE A  PIG IN THE SKIRT. Who would tell her that? No one who cares about here. 
Second lie group: Honestly we just forgot what the hell you are talking about so we will simply agree just to move on. Yeah, you know the times where the argument has gone far too long and you just want it to come to an end. At this point your numbing brain agent kicks in and any response after that moment is complete and utter autopilot. This doesn't make you a liar its more akin to lack of listening then to purposely deceiving anyone. 
Next lie group: We are plain and simply conflicted with what our real answer is. You know what there really are questions that deserve proper answers, but guess what if you press us and pressure us to hurriedly give you a response frankly what comes out is straight bullshit. If we tell you we need to some time to really figure out what the problem is ourselves you better believe thats the truth. If you demand the truth when YOU WANT IT what you will get is nothing more then a quick fabrication of what we may believe is a possible truth though its not the true thing. 

So with all that being said all lies aren't meant to harm and all liars aren't necessarily evil. Plain and simple sometimes life is too confusing to truly understand. Now does that make these lies anymore right NO. Don't get me wrong I know lies are never right. As they say the TRUTH will SET YOU FREE, but freedom always come at a high price. So if I've ever lied to you in the past present or future I must sincerely apologize for my lack of tact, wisdom and knowledge.  I'm striving to become a better man with each passing day, but during my travels you need to believe I do the best I can. 

Monday, June 25, 2012

Sound Advice

How to live a glorious life? Its simple do right by others and in the end right will come to you.  It's more then just Karma it should be common sense. Sad thing is Common Sense stopped being COMMON a long time ago.  So that being said I'm sure there are some definite steps to ultimate happiness. 
Wiser words have never been said

So with that being said I guess the ultimate question comes down to, how does one become a good person. It should be simple to do, but often this life leads you astray. I guess the best thing you can do is not let the little messes of life ruin your journey. If you are truly in it for the long haul you have to accept the small things and move on. Focusing on what troubles you in the moment only makes the obvious resolution cloudy.  Once your solutions become cloudy your intentions enter a fog, and that fog can make you do ridiculous things.  

So for the best chance of leading a good existence I suppose steering clear of that fog would be the best thing you can do for not only your mental health, but the health of your very soul.  Yes as Jewel asked "who will save your soul?" Well I'm telling you, NO ONE. Your soul is strictly up to you. Take care of it and do right by it. The better you treat others the more your soul shines. The brighter you shine the better you make this world. Our planet is full of dim lights, a bright soul brings forth the lights of others. If we all could just do right we would once again be mistaken as a star not just a planet of dread. So this is a call to return the world into the light of love and happiness. No more fighting, hate and dread.  We have the power to change things for the better, small steps one bright soul at a time. I've had some scrapes along the way, but I assure you in my life this light has strengthened in time. How strong is your light? Your soul does it gleam bright? If your answer is no then I suggest you come up with a way to help it grow more powerful this very night.


Sunday, June 24, 2012

World of Puppets

You think you have control? You think you have a say so? Your thoughts are your own. Your actions were decided by you and yourself alone. Well keep dreaming buddy because someone else always has a say. Be it a higher power or a louder counterpart you are never truly free. Freedom is an illusion provided by the one who TRULY owns you. No society is free because ultimate freedom would most likely lead to ultimate destruction (at least that's what been programmed into us by the true power who ushers in such thoughts). Even speaking as I am now maybe nothing more then an illusion of freedom. Freedom of speech is only as FREE as allowed. Don't believe me. Start writing for an international agency about any world leader and you will quickly find so called Freedom having a pretty hefty PRICE. Free is never free as somewhere down the line someone has had to or will have to pay for said freedoms. 
Truth be told we are most likely entering an extremely grey zone of reality which will never be made clear to us until after we separate permanently from this world. The hows and the whys maybe answered at the end of this journey, but frankly even that has yet to be made truly clear to us. No matter your faith, belief, religious or otherwise; we at no time in this LIFE will we ever know what the real picture and point of everything was. It's incredible for any one person to say they have figured out what people have spent generations trying to find out. I'm not saying it can't be done (most religious scriptures say that for me), but it's hard for me to believe that it will be done anytime soon. That being said if you know something I don't I'm more then willing to listen, but don't be surprised when I open it up into a lively debate just to verify your apparent credibility. 

negative thoughts lead to a negative post with negated results

Negative energy begets negative energy. Pain can bring about strength, but inflicting pain upon others does nothing but shows weakness. In order to feel powerful deciding to tear others apart is the sorriest move one can make. That being said, it proves to be the move made most often from what I've observed. I'm not saying its everyone's experience, but I know for a fact its been experienced by many.
Why do we do these hurtful horrible things? Some say its just human nature, but if that were the case we humans would've been doomed as species from the start. Doing nothing but the worse would bring on the most destructive results, and looking at life as a whole it could seem that's exactly what's being done. Of course if this were true 100% of the time things would definitely be worse off. More Violence More Beatings More Assaults (okay, I know all those things are the same) just plain MORE.

Friday, June 15, 2012

End of the World as we know it

Ok tried out the whole hangout thing and it just gives me flashbacks to chat rooms of the past. Sad thing is for the most part google+ hang outs that are public are full of perv middle eastern guys trying to talk young (11-14) girls to get semi naked for them. Or trying to show off their dicks to the masses. I don't know why i thought it would somehow be different then every other chatroom, but the young factor is beyond disgusting. Clicking into a room I shouldn't have to exit out instantly after seeing either 12 year old titty or 40 year old brown dick. Its disgusting. Really wish google would monitor the rooms. I mean they have their name all over it. Why create something to help pedophiles gain access to young children internationally? Oh well guess I should take it as a social experiment and just see how far our society is plunging at this point. Happy for 2 things...1. I know not to go trolling the PUBLIC ROOMS and 2. Just happy I have not come across a single relative being sucked into this nasty shit on EITHER SIDE. 

I love all things GOOGLE but the "HANGOUT" may end up being a feature I feel they could've left for just BUSINESS COLLABORATION. 

Monday, June 11, 2012

A little twitter wisdom

Happiness is a drug & once you get your first pure hit of it you spend the rest of your life searching for your next fix. -- Dustin B (@dustinnbutler)

Consumerism constant

Walk the aisles to find your future. No worries it's in here somewhere. This is what moves the planet. The forces we fail to explain in science are often understood in greed. The color of money has stained into our very souls. It's the root of all evil for a reason. Sadly we can't escape it for being without it makes life impossible to live. Without success measured by cash flow is the success really worthy  of the title? Not in this world & as much as we would love to change it we haven't the power to do so. The power belongs to the wealth & none with it would ever devalue it. I'd take a vow of poverty but my views on wealth based success had already doomed me where no vow is necessary.

Thursday, June 7, 2012

No worries

Yes kiddies I'm still living. Don't worry you haven't gotten rid of me yet. I have plenty of things to speak of and as always my mind is going a mile a minute. The problem simply is with all this crazy swirling around and in me when am I supposed to find the time to write these thoughts down? Hmm decisions decisions. I think i'll go ponder that while i stare blankly into space. You all have a lovely evening won't you