Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Life will be just fine, if you learn to LOVE the RIDE

Ride or Die, that's one way to live. Do what you gotta do is my personal philosophy. Live and let live, love and love HARD. Hate, don't have time for it! Honestly just think about how much time people waste on hating someone or something. Where does it get you? I don't understand why hate still runs so strong in the modern world.
The world is full of people with different upbringings, cultures, religions, and points of views. That being said why get irritated when someone doesn't feel the same as you; or has a completely opposite point of view? Guess I'm just naive, but always subscribed to the school of kill them with kindness. The thing is no one recognizes kindness definitely can kill them all and do it swiftly. Either it will end the drama or it may just cause it to move on. All I know is I'd rather be nice and happy then bitter and hate filled.

- a look inside the mind of D -

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