Thursday, January 6, 2011

Shit my wife comes up with

OK I definitely love my wife as she is a huge inspiration to my creative side. You see at several points in my day my loving wife comes up with random words, phrases & stories just off the top of her head that springs forward a full blown play between her and I which ends with laughter and hugs. This has been a common occurrence since the beginning and I feel it's high time I document some of it. Here is some of her latest

A man went to go touch his wife. She said "Don't touch me!". He asked why. She said because it's against my religion. He asked "What in the hell is your religion?". She turned to him and said "Sadomasochism". He looked at her for a second confusion all over his. Then he reared back and punched her in the face..... She was PLEASED!

Here is a word we came up with many years ago during the Vegas years:
- when somone upsets you so much you can see stabbing & biting them at the same time

Often she comes up with things that simply can't be explained. What man reading this can say while laying in the bed with their wife/girlfriend/fiancee they have had her turn to him and say with a laugh, "Babe I could so REVERSE DONKEYPUNCH you" . Now anyone who knows what a donkeypunch is should be confused, as I was upon hearing the idea of it being reversed. Simply put instead of punching the person from behind to the back of the head, you instead decide to hit them square in the butt hole. That's right knuckles straight to the anus. Frightening I know, now imagine this idea being explained to you with laughter. This idea has become a proud moment for her, and a reason for me to sleep with one eye open. Of course I'm kidding I don't fear the reverse donkey I mean who wants to go into someone's butt with knuckles. We both laugh because we know one day a new aged Jenna Jameson or Katie Morgan wanna be will be doing it in the next vivid release haha.
So as you can tell I'm a happy and lucky man and thanks to my wife I will NEVER run out of material.

- a look inside our LOVE -

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