Sunday, January 2, 2011

What's the hold up

painful attempts at self expression are indeed just that.... Painful ya know like I just said. What makes it most difficult is when people really don't get where I'm coming from. I know I can lose the masses in my inane chatter. Yet still I chatter on. Why you may ask? It's really quite simple, I am a voice in this world and I demand to be heard. I have decided to raise my voice high (of course by voice I mean writing as I'm not a man of many words) as to be heard by all who are willing to listen (or read as it were). So for anyone bothering to read thank you and keep up the good work, and to all those not reading. What's wrong with you, get on board the glorious ride that is my mind you punk ass bitches! Oh, did I insult you? Well who cares you aren't reading this anyway fucker haha!

- a look inside the mind of D -

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