Friday, January 14, 2011

Not getting me

Try as you might you aren't going to suck me in. Hard as it is to stay level I refuse to tumble down to your level. You may have a worldly power at your side I have help from the ultimate power on High!

Ever felt like you are being forced to endure a soul sucking experience. Like each day is a battle and there never seems to be a winning side. Ever wonder why you bother to get up in the morning because in the end the day is going to make you beg for sweet release by the cold hand of death? If you say yes to any of those things then I know exactly where you are working. Lifes a bitch then you die and somewhere along the way you are forced to deal with pettiness stupidity and all around bitch assery... All I can say is keep your head up and keep pushing forward. Eventually you will find the end of that rainbow and the skittles at the end will definitely be worth it.

- a look inside the mind of D -

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