Sunday, February 6, 2011

One Week to go

Today we celebrate the Superbowl. The epic clash between the best in the AFC vs the best in the NFC. We will crown a champion and praise them for their greatness at  the game of FOOTBALL. Yes that is what we shall do today, next week however we celebrate something even greater. Something much more magical.... my 30th year of life. Now to some that may seem like nothing but to me its a glorious event. It means i survived the insanity that was my 20s and now am preparing for a brand new adventure called 30 something.
In all honesty the 20s went by pretty quick, but not quick enough in some regards. There were plenty of 20 something foolishness I wish had gone by in a flash, unfortunately those times seemed to drag on and on. Certainly hope I can avoid some of the same pitfalls i faced during the 20s in my 30s. So today I greet the world that has shaped me over these last 29 years 358 days with a smile and say bring on the future I'm most definitely ready for it.

--A Look inside the Mind of D--

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