Thursday, July 14, 2011

¿Qué Ríco?

The exotic women of this world will be the death of us all.

They have proven to be the death of many a man. Now I know what you are thinking, hey how dare you make such generalizations! I say simply this it's my blog and I'll write what I want to. So excuse me if you plain Janes of the world feel like you deserve some attention.

Well you aren't going to find it here. Oh and my definition of plain Jane is most likely different from yours. To me Blonde hair + Blue eyes + Big boobs= snorefest. I mean after the 80s you can find that any and everywhere. So keep your Deckers and Livelys and give me some Gonzales and Jacksons.

Life is meant for variety. As written in the past, women are the ultimate gift in life yet a woman's scorn is Earth's greatest curse. This is my warning to the world don't take their beauty for granted, though with age it may fade their souls grow more gorgeous with each passing day. If you turn them away for fear of commitment and containment eventually you'll find yourself alone wishing someone saw you as being worth capturing.

Never judge the film by it's trailer it's never as good as it seems and a book rarely matches with the dullness of it's cover. The ladies can easily be the same way. Things are never as they seem, and what seems to be fact most often is a work of pure fiction.

In my experience the quit and shy by the looks of it just may surprise you, whereas those who talk a big game most often fail to live up to their own self promotion. Innocence sheds off quickly and quirkiness is an illusion of self. Dull and boring is truly non existent if you open your mind, and what turns on so many in all honesty is really desired by so few.

So viva la white girl if you must, but they can prove to be too much. After the insanity wears itself away what is left. Formerly a good time, but quickly good times can fade.

So do what you will just recognize life is about more then the party and eventually you'll need to find what's real! You'll get there someday my friends, you'll get there someday.

I'm thoroughly enjoying my reality my friends

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