Sunday, July 31, 2011

Speak out and be heard

Speak loud speak proud just to get your point across. Never give up never surrender when the world closes in on you this is not a time to be a pretender. so stop in your tracks and surrender. The world is heading to a bad bad place. You better come prepared, hell I'm packing my MACE!

This is a call to all those who think we can do better. A shout out to the masses to get off your asses and back up what you speak. We are in a world of trouble and its our government that seems to reek.  No WREAK havoc on the masses of the underpaid and uninsured. WREAK havoc on the somewhat rich who don't recognize being OVERLY WEALTHY is a bit absurd. I mean to make dollars hand over fist while children in your street starve? You ride in luxury cars when the down payment can help one beaten child get out of a situation that will forever leave them scarred.  Look around you take your time. Life is no fairy tale and for most of us there is not happy ending to this nursery rhyme. When the bough breaks the housing market crashes. When Humpty Dumpty falls there is no fixing him the kings mean are more concerned with raising our taxes. This place is a dump and no one can see this. Shit why are we so worried on who does and doesn't  speak English? The money we owe to some foreign dictators it amazes me we have yet to tall any of our Front Office positions national traitors. OH Communism is bad it will bring about the end of what we believe? Oh that is until they give us money to pay for our Capitalist greed.  Yes China opened its doors and all is forgiven. So what they have generations upon generations of abusing and neglecting their children and women. Rich upperclass men rule our and their country. Well I'm a lowly lower class minority so I guess you don't give a fuck to hear from me. I say we all get out there and take our streets back. Of course whenever we try this they flood our neighborhoods with hoodlums selling crack. What you don't believe me and the shady shit our government is doing. We've exposed it on film watch a documentary put down the game system and educate yourselves. Then maybe just maybe hope for change can honestly happen. We finally got a black man in office, but nothing can change without PROPER backing. He isn't the savior you wanted he's just another puppet. Government's true heads are never seen by the light of day then are in dark alleyways underground and frankly in powerful chairs in other countries. Oh yes land of the free home of the brave sounds great epic and inviting. Remember when those words were written we were run by COWARDS who felt it proper to own SLAVES. I mean how are we so free so powerful so almighty and so RIGHT when the only time we use our power is to gain money in an international OIL Fight. We worry about middle eastern Allies and foes. While local goverments are broke bringing our neighborhoods down with their woes. I guess in all this time i've gotten off on some kind of tangent. But I look around at this world I'm living in and frankly I can't Stand it. Like the picture says we have to fight against this system. But this machine is far to great I guess I should just be THANKFUL you all bothered to listen. I'll probably never be able to speak any more truth. Gotta go find a job sell out to the man in order to save my little humanity and its hole ridden roof. 
So those are my thoughts all flooded on a page. Inside us all who pay attention I expect you can understand and feel my rage. Now its one thing to bash a country you love and respect. But open speech in a public forum is the ONE thing they have yet to wreak. So if you feel what I'm saying sound off stand up and salute. Under all the falsehoods backstabbings and underhanded dealings our good old RED WHITE and BLUE still means something as long as you are able to express YOUR TRUTH!

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