Thursday, July 28, 2011

First week almost complete, 7 full days in a new location. Miss my friends, but all in all the experience has been great. Jobs lining up better the expected, but not as fast as I had wanted (of course I wanted a job within the first three days, but we all know that was a fantasy in the world we live). So much more to do outside my door then what we had in Stockton this is true. I'm not as active as I used to be so I'm working on getting out more. No longer shall I be a lump as said LUMP STATUS has lead to far too much boredom in the last few years. Television is my friend here but sadly the news seems like worse or something. Don't know what it is, the anchors are just so blah. Don't understand why it feels so fake, but I suppose that's just the LA way ha ha. Hey I may now be a resident but you can't take the Bay out of these veins. Hope this Saturday proves to be a good time. Doors being open to wifey's crew to finally see her for the first time in like FOREVER. I believe all my local friends are preoccupied so her meeting with them will have to come at another time. Not sure if I have any other LA/SoCal peeps that would like to come by and say hi. Those who do should know how to reach me. Anyway just a little update on the life of this man D as he moves YET AGAIN to another location in the constant search of some place to finally and PERMANENTLY call HOME!.

*A look inside the mind of D*

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