Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Hitting the road once again, things are always moving changing morphing for the better. Things go crazy at times, but the crazy is what makes it simply magical. Tomorrow begins the final countdown, all the earning and savings will hit it's final leg. This is the section we call "The FINAL COUNTDOWN" (*play epic music here*) there is no turning back.
So much to do in a limited amount of time. Yes, the time crunch is definitely on my mind, but I know it is all for the best. In order to be at our best we must put ourselves to the ultimate test. We are ready to prove we can be as good or better then the rest for success is our ultimate quest. Never believe life isn't meant to be a fest, live your life full of laughter happiness and jest. ok done with this test the rhyming is more than i can digest so I will give it a rest as I know I'm simply the best in the quest for jest.

- a look inside the mind of D -

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