Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Over when it's over

All things change morph evolve....
As life demands change comes when you least expected but when it arrives it should be welcomed with open arms.

To whom it may concern,
It was nice knowing you I won't be seeing ya and in time my thoughts of you will fade. It was fun while it lasted and it lasted rather shortly, but in the grand scheme of things you were a life changing bump in a rather rocky road. Days passed and you were there always allowing me to prosper so for you good words I share and nothing but kind thoughts shall be fostered. Though there were troubled times and even some epic disasters the life you've helped me to live has been a good one. New friends New funds new memories to call upon.
So I bid you adieu this Central Valley life I'd been living goodbye to all things good and bad and all the knowledge you have given. I say goodbye to you and all who are in it and say good luck to those who choose to stay. Was willing to stay a moment longer but it became very clear to me I had to say GOODBYE.

- a look inside the mind of D -

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