Saturday, April 2, 2011

Get Up Stand Up

Know how to pick 'em.
You never truly know.
Know how to treat 'em.
In time the true colors most definitely show.

Another one for the books. A day like no other yet somehow like every one else. The days become a big blur of repeating madness. Its the same day in and day out and almost never as good as it should be. What is one to do with days like these? Its a Bill Murray nightmare I tell you but this ain't Scrooged. No my friends I'm most likely being screwed in the end by a big burly Sailor named LIFE. Yes its a vicious cycle of complete bad, but hope sees me through. Frankly what else can be asked for but that? That and the everyday drudgery of a life unfulfilled. Filling it won't take much, but sadly it takes time and money. Money which only comes slowly across the spaces of said time. So we wait. Wait for more or less... MORE positives less NEGATIVES. This is what life has brought along with a world of troubles, still I wait I hope and I wonder. I wait because I know this epic BS will never truly take me under.

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