Saturday, April 16, 2011

Why do I think this way?

Everyday is the same yet somehow the experience is uniquely different. No thoughts come to mind when asked direct questions, but a novel can be written when answering the question no one asked. My time is money, but I hardly get paid a dime for my time. Furthermore if absence makes the heart grow fonder, then why can't you stand the bastards who are always there?
This is just a small example of thoughts that pollute my brain in the quiet of the night. Maybe now you can understand why I fill my life with useless distraction. I mean who really thinks this way. Of course it could be worse, you don't want to know what was running through my head during the down days of high school or lonely days of the succubus crew during college. Frightening I tell you. Thoughts fueled by sadness, fear, ICP & Faygo© soda. It was a bad time to say the least but let's not go there.

"I'm as cold as the cold wind blows"

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