Thursday, April 28, 2011

Dreams bringing truth

When I head to sleep I dread what I will see. Not because I envision my death, or I feel like I'm falling. My dreams are a wee bit different from the norm. I see the perfect life before my eyes. So real I can touch my surroundings and be embrace by the warm glow of then sun. In my mind the matrix affect is happening and this dream seems more like a true reality. My dream feels like a real day to day, so when I wake up I feel I must be dreaming. Of course that feeling can be brought on by a sense of disappointment in my day to day. Of course if that's the case why is the dream so vibrant and real while this day to day has me feeling numb and indifferent?
A wise man once said his biggest fear was we are all but characters in someone else's dream, and when the dreamer awakens we would all just cease to exist. So I guess I should just keep on dreaming because I have so many people I'd hate to see gone. (yeah that's right, I'm cocky enough to believe I'M the dreamer of the ultimate dream and not just one of the many characters of someone else's fantasy.)

- a look inside the mind of D -

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