Monday, July 27, 2009

at 28 I shouldn't feel old

28 is so far from old its funny. Hell even 30 isn't old, but I am finding myself more and more out of touch with what the YOUNG are finding cool. Hip and Popular just aren't making sense to me at all these days. Now I've never been what you would call HIP, also I have never gone out of my way to be considered cool; but with that being said what the hell IS COOL anyway. I mean has anyone really paid attention to POKER FACE chick LADY GAGA? Singing self admitted soulless POP music and dressing as bizarrely as humanly possible. What does she do it for you ask? I have no freaking clue outside of wanting the attention of the masses. Now personally I'm all for someone wanting the attention of the masses, but I believe in getting it and using it for something productive. Don't dress like a crazy half naked person just because you want the women to find you stylish and the men to want you naked (which I don't understand those who want to see her bare it all, she's just not all that). Now my lack of connection to what's now doesn't just end with music. I may not understand GAGA, MILEY, DRAKE, T Pain and all their popularity; but what people are reading baffles me as well. The ultimate issue with the WRITTEN WORD is the fact BOOKS and MAGAZINES no longer rule the roost. The written word has shifted to the forum that I myself have been working for years at this point... THE BLOG; and it pains me to say I'm far from being the king of the blogging community (which comes as such a shock to me). No the man that rules the web when it comes to BLOGLIFE is a shit talking celebri-holic who spends so much time either pointing out every ones flaws or simply forces what he thinks is COOL down our throats (lady Gaga, Mika, Beth Ditto, etc). I have never had more disgust for one person then I have for Mr Hilton. I swear every time I see this douches smile I just want to see him popped in the grill by several angry celebs who are as fed up with his shit as I am. I think the biggest knock I have on the guy is the simple fact that whenever I have seen him confronted by an angry celebrity all he does is back down and kiss ass. My feelings when it comes to writing is if you have balls enough to print it you should balls enough to back it up plain and simple. Over the years I've written plenty of things that people have come across and had strong feelings against what I said. I didn't back down I listen I process their view and I express my view and my feelings on how I could have said such a thing. That's what you do when you have beliefs and opinions you don't fold up everything you believe in and kiss someones ass simply because they make more money then you. Who gives a fuck you sorry ass pussy stand up for yourself. If you are and ASSHOLE then be an ASSHOLE it's just that simple. Now movies are the only place I don't feel like an OLD MAN i just feel like I'm "SENSIBLE". Me not liking some of the big blockbusters of the year have less to do with my age and more to do with me possessing common sense. The best example of common sense is the fact that I'm one of the what 30 maybe 50 people who refused to see TRANSFORMERS 2. It amazes me a movie as badly written, badly acted, and with such horrible reviews has been able to rake in 370+ million dollars to date. If you doubt me and my so called SENSE well I suggest you read the best review I have read of the movie and it will all become clear to you: Topless Robot Review
Once I read their review I was shocked and astounding that I knew so many people who went, but of the people I knew that went few seemed to truly enjoy the movie outside of the fact they got to see a bunch of shit go boom.
All this being said I love my age I love i grew up in the 90s and became an adult in the beginning of this new Millennium. I fear for my little sister (12 years old) and her generation. What will become of this young generation with guides to life like Miley Cyrus (16 year old Diva who dated a 21 Man with parental permission); books/films like Twilight (Its nothing more then Vampire porn for kids. Oh but he won't suck her he's abstaining... All i can say to this is BITE ME ass munch pick up an Anne Rice book or go rent "Let The Right One In" if you want to see a REAL VAMPIRE story bitches). Damn youth I'll take my late twenties over any of these young kids early teens.

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