Sunday, April 1, 2012

Is what it is

Nothing goes as planned, but plans are made and plans often are broken. You want to know what else can be broken quite easily? A skull. A skull bashed against a wall breaks quite easily. That's just the way the world works. One solid surface will always claim victory over hollow shells. Don't be that shell. Fill your mind with knowledge so your skull can be the rock that bashes through the barriers of injustice.

Eat drink and be merry really that's all you can do. Enjoy in the spoils of this world as they are the limited joys provided to you. Why waste time being unhappy, when happiness is all the rage. Why fight releasing your true nature, why lock up your desires in a self made cage. Now I'm not saying everyone should do as they feel. We all know what's right vs what's wrong. This advice is mainly focused on each of us being real. Recognize who you are instead of what others would wish you to be. Yeah things aren't always great in life, but if you are happy within yourself you could live in your own joyous land of me.

Play the hand that life deals you. Their is no need to fold. This isn't a game of winners and losers. This is just a game of whether you die young or die old. Without knowing your conclusion there proves no point in always taking the most cautious path. If you don't know your expiration date then none of us knows how long the thrill of the game can last. Life is full of ups and downs highs and lows ebbs and flows. So just come along for the ride enjoy the wave take in the show.

- a look inside the mind of D -

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