Saturday, April 21, 2012

Praise like yesterday

Been putting some serious thought into. Have no problem with religion. Religion and faith are good things, but how people go about praising I often call into question. Mainly the fact that for most praising their god/savior/healer/guide becomes a chore the older one gets. At least until true OLD AGE hits then the faith is rejuvenated as one comes to accept how close they are coming to the end of their days on this mortal plain. So what of these middle years? I think its quite simple. Praise like you did in childhood. 
Now I know that's hard for some to hear. Most adults often discount childhood beliefs as uninformed and juvenile leanings based on what parents taught, and at times that can be true. But like most things in life you'd be pretty ignorant to lump everything into one category. I think of my childhood, I was raised in religious schools IN SPITE of my parents lack of visible faith. Father has never been a church goer and mom didn't become truly involved in church until I was in high school. So why send me to private christian school since the start of schooling? Better education has always been the answer I've been given. Well during that education I learned a lot about myself, my world, and my faith. Every week having a school wide praise session was the most natural thing to me. It felt more real then sitting in church with a preacher spouting the gospels at me. I spent weeks being TAUGHT the gospels then singing songs of praise before weekends at home away from church school. Some find that extreme but I found it refreshing. It became a part of my life. Now I'm not saying all religious school kids had the same experience as me. Some hated every moment others LOVED the lessons a little too much (sorry, I love the bible I love the lord I love being taught but i HATE being told contradicting things based on teachers prejudices. BE A FISHER OF MEN we were taught but then also taught not to associate with GAYS, NON BELIEVERS, and Any other SEEDY INDIVIDUALS). I feel my life experiences combined with church school lead to the proper teachings of what faith SHOULD BE in my eyes. I don't go to church every week because frankly my church experience was never great. (A room full of people with holier then thou attitudes, a preacher driving a luxury vehicle when the church is falling apart around him, being asked to give all of what little you have to the church not to necessarily help others in the world but make the church more comfortable while people outside the doors struggle and suffer).  
I ask of you this. Find a child. Ask them what they believe. Children all have core beliefs even if they are too young to understand what they really are. I'm sure the most prevalent idea you'll hear is we are just suppose to be nice to each other. That gets lost in a lot of religious teaching. As we grow older the idea of kindness towards ALL goes away. You shake your head, but I can point out many instances where your holy niceness fades into the background, especially when faced with something you don't understand and refuse to accept. So I want to go back to the days when HE HAD THE WHOLE WORLD IN HIS HAND when JESUS LOVES ME THIS I KNOW FOR THE BIBLE TOLD ME SO to the days of love and peace for all and as long as you love the world and love your God that's the only thing you needed to know and understand for eternal happiness. 

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