Sunday, April 8, 2012

Humor and Blasphemy go hand and hand

This holiday brings so much to be mocked. We all know the true reason for the holiday (savior rises freeing mankind from original sin and eternal damnation), but why the bunnies the candy and all the damn eggs? Well to bring the cynical masses a chance to mock the righteous masses....

And mock they do. So much of this holiday has been bogged down with the silliness that in mass appeal Christmas is seen as more powerful a holiday. That's fine and all, but with no Easter we have no eternal life. A savior being born is great, but why neglect the day he initiate the Saving.
All that being said there are some creative and/or humorous views on the day floating out there. Zombie Jesus is a powerful image that I find interesting. I mean it should be upsetting, but dead for days, rises and in doing so saves the world. That's a pretty badass image that's hard to explain or capture, but a non flesh eating zombie saving the day, or all eternity as it were, is pretty freaking amazing and a SyFy movie waiting to happen. I'm just saying.

- a look inside the mind of D -

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