Saturday, March 31, 2012

Still going

May not be safe but I still keep going. Frankly I challenge the ideas of what's deemed "work appropriate" and who's job it is to determine. I understand every conversation should stay work related to be considered professional, but what if your work environment has real trouble staying proper in itself. Recognize I've seen some of the most ridiculous things done by so called management that it's hard to take what they feel is appropriate seriously. These managers are the same people that do things with their little bit of power that would have them railroaded out of town in other positions. Bosses who use blatant favoritism for all personnel decisions and overlook those who deserve greater opportunities. Managers who turn blind eyes to basic injustices inflicted on low level employees. Managers who view hourly employees like some kind of insects to be avoided. These shitty examples of humanity have the nerve to turn around and question our actions though. That just pisses me off on so many levels. Problem is no matter how pissed you may get there is just no changing it. This is just how working life is. Especially now that the Global economy has tanked, anyone working outside the protections of unions or government law are just damned to deal with stupidity inflicted on them by big business that couldn't give less of a damn about them.

If only life were as easy as comics. Then and only then would we have real power. Well until that day we must suck it up and deal, but when the revolution finally comes I'll happily lead a force into battle. We are the real 99% not some college kid camping on a lawn. Talk to a 20 year vet of the customer service game who is keeping them down and I'd doubt wall street would be at the top of their list. The supervisor who denied their vacation so the sup's cousin could go with them to Vegas would most likely be at the top of the list.

- a look inside the mind of D -

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