Thursday, December 23, 2010

......How to Clear writers block.........

Yes it's true I have come up with the ultimate cure for writers block. It's quite simple really. All one must do is simply stop attempting to make sense and just let ANYTHING and i mean ANYTHING flow. Yes I say just go out of your way to simply put something down. It doesn't matter what as long as your mind is churning out something that just means you are alive. Frankly I'm happy to keep on LIVING. That's all you have to do. Eventually the ideas will come alive once you get all the meaningless crap out of the way. Once you let your mind free you'll be amazed at all the crap you have stocked away up there.  Just the first things that come to your mind let it out and you'll be amazed to see what will follow.
Things like song quotes..... 
"I'm dumb she's a lesbian I thought I'd found the one. 
We were good as married in my mind but married in my mind was no good. 
Oooh PINK TRIANGLE on her sleeve.
Now I know the truth now I KNOW the TRUTH"

It really doesn't matter how random the thoughts or quotes are as long as they are out. That song had been stuck in my head for hours for absolutely NO REASON, but putting it down forces it out. Now I can possibly get a clear thought to shine through ya know.  Hmm seems things still aren't moving. Lets see what else I have stashed away up here.  Hmm maybe this plan doesn't work as well as I'm thinking it does, but in the end as long as I'm writing something down I'm a happy happy man. 

"We are what we think. All that we are arises with our thoughts. With our thoughts, we make the world" - Buddha 

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