Wednesday, December 29, 2010

All or Nuthin'

Ready or not I'm about to come, entering your mind with these words written with my thumbs. Texting the wave of the future which is quickly becoming the past. All the old folks continue to swear this trend will never last. We all know trends of the past are never done. Just check out the girls still rocking bell bottoms and let us not forget the silly wannabes still popping and locking like some hip hop nuns. Written words floating around cyberspace makes me feel oh so cool. Knowing these words can be seen by some delinquents in New Zealand while that skip out on school.

Imagine that being the international cause of teenage delinquency. Wonder if that is what it will take to get me the international fame I so desire. Hey I say if you are going to be famous might as well be INFAMOUS. As long as you are reading I will enjoy, my words getting out there no matter who no matter what attention is all I know. Unlike in the past only positive I will crave. I've taken it upon myself to now shut up and behave. Happiness is all I feel as I write this. Being a scribe an author poet philosopher is the top of my to do list. So heed my words of wisdom knowledge thought and happiness, never give up on your dreams frankly all people should just try this.
- a look inside the mind of D -

Location:Boo Ln,Stockton,United States

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