Thursday, December 30, 2010

Work: the return

As they say another day another dollar and that's all you need to hear. With those simple words you know the person you are dealing with hates what they do on a day to day basis. The job maybe a bore or a drain. In fact it may just be one of the most soul sucking experiences in the course of human history. No matter what the cause you know for a fact they are not happy campers. Frankly this saddens and excites me. It's always sad to hate how you make your living, but think of the possibilities that lay before you in the name of CHANGE. In life there is one simple truth I'm a huge supporter of: "there always is another option!". Now many times in life those words may not feel like the truth, but in fact in every situation there are always several options. So if you find yourself in a terrible spot just do something to change it. I'm not talking bitch about it and hope it becomes durable. No, I'm talking DO SOMETHING and enact real change. So I'm calling upon all of you out there in internet land aka "the WEBIVERSE" to take charge of your lives your surroundings no your DESTINIES and see what you can make of it.

- a look inside the mind of D -

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