Monday, August 4, 2008

A little touch of greatness

Seems like a simple concept. No matter how inept you are at most things. I still honestly believe inside every human being there is "A little Touch of Greatness!" Now this may seem like a far fetched concept. Or this idea can be dismissed as the thoughts of a delusional optimist, but i do truly believe that. Now don't get me wrong there are many people who never accomplished any "Great" feats in their life. But even for them I believe the greatness was in there somewhere, its the choices we make in life that determine whether or not it will be used. I have yet to do anything i find truly GREAT, but I know one day it will happen. Not that it really matters either way for the greatness i speak of won't necessarily bring you riches or fame. At most it will probably only bring you the satisfaction of a job well done. Something you can be internally proud of whether the world recognizes you for it or not. So I am not saying we are all going to win a SUPERBOWL or write the great AMERICAN NOVEL, but even if its the simplest thing we all have the ability to accomplish something truly great in our lifetime. I sure hope i do and i hope all you out there do as well.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Nice I like this one!