Thursday, August 7, 2008

A little sports

Well it's officially here. Football time is happening once again. I love this time of year. Football is hands down my favorite sport (as it is for many Americans), and I'm so excited the season is drawing near. The hall of fame game has already happened which means a whole slew of PreSeason games are on their way.
This is a particularly fun year because the fun of the SUMMER GAMES is about to come our way as well. Now I've never been a hardcore fan of the Olympics. But the idea is pretty simple. Tons of country that would normally spend all their time fighting or arguing over this and that come together in a sign of unity to prove once and for all who's the most dominant at running, swimming, fishing or playing with assorted balls. It's freakin' G
Baseball is coming to a close not that I paid much attention to this past season. Though i vowed to myself I'd find my way back into loving the sport as i had grown up loving it first and foremost, I've found it hard to keep an eye on it with so much tradition tarnished as we go along. I mean Yankee stadium is no more after this year. What next Wrigley field coming down cuz the IVY has too many allergens? My main issue is that fact as an Oakland Athletics fan its impossible to follow the games. By the end of the year, Thanks to the "Wisdom?" of Billy Bean, you are looking at an entirely new squad as all your stars and/or best players end the season somewhere else. I mean are we even trying to see what the pennant race is like. Have we gotten over those feelings of wanting to be champions. Young and Cheap is our new motto and that would be fine, but the CHEAP outweighs everything else. We have had plenty of young talent in which to build around in order to hold up the World Series trophy, but alas its all for nothing because they would cost too much money to keep. Remember when players weren't dealt away like a deck of cards.
I don't know i guess i'll just stick to loving football after all players tend to stay in place.... wait what? what do you mean Jason Taylor is a Redskin. Wait a minute. Favre went where? Oh well I still love football anyway go FACELESS Eagles (hey Donovan is on his last year if he makes it to the end)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love it when you talk sports to me!!! LOL