Wednesday, March 28, 2012


Can't sleep. World of doubt infesting my brain. Big things need to happen and no longer looking for a vague time table. This week. The end of this week. Close of March must bring us, ME, positive changes. Nothing small and meaningless, no, I demand major overhaul to the path on which I currently stroll. This isn't my life. This is an illusion of the here and now I've stumbled upon. This isn't me. This is an imposter pretending to be someone I never intended to be. My direction, meaningless, was to be onward and upward more forward then back. So why look back on yesterday with hopes of tomorrow. No repeats, no more do overs. Play it again Sam is played out. A new tune needs to be pushed forward on this jukebox of life. Everywhere there is pain. No, misery does not follow me. Emptiness, blahs and HO hums are the name of this game. Tired of being numb to an ever drearier world. Thoughts of a better tomorrow propels me forward into the void, but all I see before me is more grays. Grey, damned be American English, is the color of the world. Nothing has ever truly been all black and white. So why be surprised with so much horror in our day to day reporting. Murder Death Kill scream the headlines. Injustice Cruelty Intolerance are growing ever stronger. Everyone preparing for the end of times which the Good Book says cannot be prepared for. If we are to meet our end why allow such negativities to exist. Why keep the hatred game going. Why not love your fellow man as well as yourself. Why not? It's simple, we aren't wired that way. So maybe to escape the horror the boredom the grays that's what I'll need to do with my week. Time to rewrite myself and in turn help rewire the world. Majore change coming and it starts with the individual.

- a look inside the mind of D -

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