Saturday, August 20, 2011

How do we get anything done?

Reading a yahoo article on yet another candidate for presidency, listening to all the rhetoric, seeing how for CBN (Christian Broadcast Network) he changed his stance on abortion and Gay marriage (before he was let the states decide guy, now BAN them across the nation) it really hits me.... I love my country, but I hate what the governing bodies have done. What amazes me most is there is no further talk of civil war era type secession. Yes I know that's a bit extreme but I can't be the only way utterly disgusted by how ass backwards things have gotten thanks to our, rampant bipartisanship, our need to constantly put the other party in their place even if it means hurting the American public as a whole, and our complete lack of separation between church and state. "But D the church gives us our moral values by which we govern, so a true separation would be ludicrous", well I say BULLSHIT. Church though helpful to some, is not at the heart of what we should use to make our decisions by. What happened to common decency the ability to tell right from wrong, that wasn't implanted in us by a preacher. You know it's wrong to push an old lady in the street or to kick a young child in the face because it just IS. No one had to teach you that, no invisible deity had to explain to you that taking someone else's right to live is not in the best interest of society, no your humanity your decency your inner spirit and thought processes all guided you to that decision. You know what your church did teach you? How to hate, how to degrade, how to judge others and punish those that you are made uncomfortable by. All these lessons come to us from a supposed book of Love. I'm a long time scholar of religion and I find it amazing how many ways a group of people can read a sentence a book a passage of religious doctrine and take it in so many different ways. My absolute favorites are groups who by reading a book written centuries after the savior is gone can tell me that this same book is the direct words of that same savior. Also how the savior a man of understanding, love and peace wants them to deny groups, they personally see unfit, their rights to the same life the believers lead. Oh and the ultimate ass backward standard of our governing bodies religious ideal is the fact a direct passage from the savior states save the judgement for the father for it's not Mans place to make such judgement, but then these believers these followers these oh so Holy men and women turn around and make laws based on the judgements they where told it's not their place to make. A man and a man or a woman and a woman can't be married cuz God said so! Where in the hell does God say those words directly? Also if God has nothing to do with the matters of state why does your view on what God wants have anything to do with those men and this women's rights? I've grown tired of these arguments with no basis in common reality. I find myself frustrated with the way things work around me. Political figures that swear they will make changes do nothing more then make it to their appointed offices and fall right in line with the others. We need a change, no fuck that we need a freaking overhaul! We need people to care how the world is around them again. We need fire and passion to spew from the souls of our men and women in power. We need the almighty dollar and the holy bible to stop being what guides our political futures. The world needs Justice, Understanding, and most of all compassion for our fellow man. The planet is changing and it's not looking like for the better. In our remaining millennia or so of life on this planet I can only hope one day Utopias can and will be achieved. Peace and goodness for future generations is a lofty dream, but it's one we once had believed in. Now our largest goal is a stable economy and to avoid becoming property of China. This is a goal that is very achievable if we would stop focusing on party lines, stop listening to religious lies, and start doing what's right for the country as a whole not just for our individual selves.

- a look inside the mind of D -

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