Saturday, March 26, 2011

Things I'm a thinking (while I should be a workin)

First thing: Why the hell am I here at 5 am? I mean I'm so tired of being in a position that I'm a slave to the Eastern time zone. Its Saturday do they really need their calls answered at 8 am local time. Would 10am their time really hurt them? I mean come on. And better yet if they do need 8 am EST then why not have the center located in that time zone get up and handle it? No lets make the suckers out west roll out of their nice warm beds at the butt crack of dawn to handle our LOCAL clientele... Shenanigans I say, pure and utter rubbish that is!

Secondly:I'm so ready to be elsewhere its utterly ridiculous. I mean this life hasn't been all that bad, but my  new and improved SoCal life has so much promise I'm itching to get into it already. Yeah I'm going to be starting over making new friends and away from the things I already know, but fortunately being as I've been in Stockton I'm not leaving anything I love as I can't stand the city in which I reside.

Third: I tend to wonder why things are never as they seem. Friends who say they are friends tend not to be so friendly when the chips are down. And the ones who you most alienate are some of the truest people you possibly could ever meet. Think on that for a moment why don't ya.

Fourth: Frankly there is no fourth as my mind tends to draw a blank here. I guess that's what they mean by MIND NUMBING JOB cuz buddy my mind she is GONE!

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