Saturday, June 30, 2012

Top 10 Lies Men Tell Women

Top 10 Lies Men Tell Women | Love + Sex - Yahoo! Shine:

Relationships are difficult and lies only make it worse. It's a basic lesson that everyone should learn. Why don't we all just tell the truth from the very beginning? Honestly I wish I knew the answer myself it would have saved me a lot of grief in this life. Frankly lies seem to break down into a few basic categorical reasons as to why they are told.

First lie group: We really just don't want to deal with the consequences. Either we fucked up, did something really stupid or the question has an answer that there is NO WAY IN HELL the person asking really wants to hear. No man woman or child will ever tell the fat chick that YES YOU LOOK LIKE A  PIG IN THE SKIRT. Who would tell her that? No one who cares about here. 
Second lie group: Honestly we just forgot what the hell you are talking about so we will simply agree just to move on. Yeah, you know the times where the argument has gone far too long and you just want it to come to an end. At this point your numbing brain agent kicks in and any response after that moment is complete and utter autopilot. This doesn't make you a liar its more akin to lack of listening then to purposely deceiving anyone. 
Next lie group: We are plain and simply conflicted with what our real answer is. You know what there really are questions that deserve proper answers, but guess what if you press us and pressure us to hurriedly give you a response frankly what comes out is straight bullshit. If we tell you we need to some time to really figure out what the problem is ourselves you better believe thats the truth. If you demand the truth when YOU WANT IT what you will get is nothing more then a quick fabrication of what we may believe is a possible truth though its not the true thing. 

So with all that being said all lies aren't meant to harm and all liars aren't necessarily evil. Plain and simple sometimes life is too confusing to truly understand. Now does that make these lies anymore right NO. Don't get me wrong I know lies are never right. As they say the TRUTH will SET YOU FREE, but freedom always come at a high price. So if I've ever lied to you in the past present or future I must sincerely apologize for my lack of tact, wisdom and knowledge.  I'm striving to become a better man with each passing day, but during my travels you need to believe I do the best I can. 

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