Sunday, June 24, 2012

negative thoughts lead to a negative post with negated results

Negative energy begets negative energy. Pain can bring about strength, but inflicting pain upon others does nothing but shows weakness. In order to feel powerful deciding to tear others apart is the sorriest move one can make. That being said, it proves to be the move made most often from what I've observed. I'm not saying its everyone's experience, but I know for a fact its been experienced by many.
Why do we do these hurtful horrible things? Some say its just human nature, but if that were the case we humans would've been doomed as species from the start. Doing nothing but the worse would bring on the most destructive results, and looking at life as a whole it could seem that's exactly what's being done. Of course if this were true 100% of the time things would definitely be worse off. More Violence More Beatings More Assaults (okay, I know all those things are the same) just plain MORE.

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