Friday, June 15, 2012

End of the World as we know it

Ok tried out the whole hangout thing and it just gives me flashbacks to chat rooms of the past. Sad thing is for the most part google+ hang outs that are public are full of perv middle eastern guys trying to talk young (11-14) girls to get semi naked for them. Or trying to show off their dicks to the masses. I don't know why i thought it would somehow be different then every other chatroom, but the young factor is beyond disgusting. Clicking into a room I shouldn't have to exit out instantly after seeing either 12 year old titty or 40 year old brown dick. Its disgusting. Really wish google would monitor the rooms. I mean they have their name all over it. Why create something to help pedophiles gain access to young children internationally? Oh well guess I should take it as a social experiment and just see how far our society is plunging at this point. Happy for 2 things...1. I know not to go trolling the PUBLIC ROOMS and 2. Just happy I have not come across a single relative being sucked into this nasty shit on EITHER SIDE. 

I love all things GOOGLE but the "HANGOUT" may end up being a feature I feel they could've left for just BUSINESS COLLABORATION. 

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