Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Sound Advice

Don't apologize unless you ABSOLUTELY mean it. Fake sorries are useless BS which quickly get found out. Also if you only apologize when sincere it will mean so much more to the other party when they KNOW it must be real. Now I'm not saying to show NO REMORSE when you hurt someone even if you don't really care they are upset, but please don't apologize it will get you know where fast.

As they always say HONESTY IS THE BEST POLICY. Of course we all know that is so much easier said then done.  Of course in all honesty.... lying is MUCH harder due to the amount of follow through that's needed. Do you understand all the work that goes into maintaining a lie. When you tell the truth it NEVER changes, but the lie always keeps evolving. You have to remember what you said how you said it who you told and their reactions. You need to tailor your LIE to make sense in their reality. The greatest AUTHORS had troubles doing this but you are doing it for what an extra hour of alone time? an extra sweet treat at lunch? Maybe a little fling on the side? Are these things really with your sanity? 

TAKE MY ADVICE......... just be true, honest and whole hearted. Its just so much easier and well if it makes things difficult at FIRST just keep in mind in the long run you will be much much happier in this life.

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