Friday, October 8, 2010


Meeting someone new what are you to do. In the process of the get to know you phase, where life is simple and the world is full of hope. Then reality sets in "how can you truly know anyone?" There are two sides to every story right? So why should you assume the one side you have been presented of his/her life is the absolute truth. If the walls they've encased themselves could talk what would they say? Would you listen? I mean how do you know you can trust the walls. Damn plastered structures made of concrete & steel. She closes herself off completely the light of the world barely able to shine in. yet, he continues to pick at it knowing her core will be worth it. Once he is inside the you & me would become a we. Now the idea sounds good, but what of his walls what of his baggage?

Every tale has a 2nd verse.

She tests the waters to see how he feels, after all guys lie, how can she expect this one to be real. A game of trust he'd have to endure. slowly friends first it's the only way to his word he'll be true young love  is so hard that's why LUST is all the 20 somethings choose to do. So why are they different, what makes them real? Two equally damaged individuals that's the appeal. Maybe they can fix each other so they can soon be whole. Be it friendship or love a new & better life is the ultimate goal.

a look inside the mind of D

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