Friday, November 12, 2010

Dead dreams

Up late & realizing I have have given up on far too many of my dreams far too soon. Now I'm not speaking of any of the pipe dreams of youth. I recognize the prima ballerina days have past me, and the pro athlete opportunity has past ten years & 100 lbs ago.

No I'm sitting here looking at my words & realize I could write something worthwhile before I die if only I had the drive to do so. Also watching the Benson interruption I realize I was born to befriend comedians. Not so much to do stand-up myself, but to be surrounded by humorist and give them bits of my comedy genius. Yes I shall move to hollywood & do just that (or I can just become a comedy house regular & let nature take its course)

Ok that decides it. I'm going to spend the remainder of my days at the comedy shop writing a never ending novel & buy the funniest stand ups drinks.

a look inside the mind of D

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