Friday, August 6, 2010

Thoughts are for thinking

So early mornings have given me a new view on life. So many things are different in the wee hours before the sun comes up.  4 am & 4 pm are just 2 totally different animals I swear. Of course it all depends on how you look at things. You would have a totally different view if we were talking staying up til four as opposed to waking up at four.

Ever wonder what random people are truly like behind close doors? Not just what random thoughts pop into their  heads, but who they truly are as a person. What they like & hate about others & themselves. Their turn offs & turn ons, you know what truly makes them tick. Pretty random thought to have about a stranger on the street, but if it gets you through the day I say go on thinking it.

Ever lost hope that hoping would get you through? Ever dream that your dreams would NEVER come true? How many of us have lied about telling a lie? That one is such a double edged sword.

Now these thoughts may seem a bit random at times, but that's ok these are the things that poop up in my head from day to day.

a look inside the mind of D

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