Monday, August 30, 2010

DRAMA: and the people who love it

Like to stay away from BS as much as humanly possible. When the shit his the fan I'm normally two rooms over. How do I do this with such ease, afterall drama is everywhere & often brought upon us by others. I say even with that being the case its easy to avoid. If you are an observer of people; I mean you really watch & pay attention to things going on around you; then you can see stuff coming from a mile away. Don't know where I inherited this talent from, I think it developed over time. Being a shy kid I didn't interact with a lot of people which leaves plenty of time to just sit & observe. Yeah I suppose that means I turned everyday life into a nature documentary.

I have found the older I get the more intriguing the lives of others have become. Only problem these days I get more involved with my "subjects" haha. May seem silly, but any GOOD documentarian would tell you is never bring down the third wall. (now this rule only applies to those not using their film/study/research to push their own personal agendas). As the wall comes down I'm more likely to be caught in the BS & that is the last thing I'd want to do. Getting caught up in the drama of others leaves me confused & annoyed especially if it puts me in the middle of something I have no business of being in. These are the times I pull back shy away from outside contact & hope it can all be resolved peacefully with no need for gun fire or hair pulling.

Drawing back & retreating always sounds like a good plan, but what if the "subjects" are true friends and/or close family, what do you do then?

a look inside the mind of D

a look inside the mind of D

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