Monday, February 15, 2010

vanilla Latte Martini

vanilla Latte Martini
Originally uploaded by Dustaquarius

This is how I started my Birthday. 11am sitting in one of my favorite restaurants with a delicious alcohol infused tasty treat in front of me. Yes I know 11 is pretty early to get my buzz on, but HEY it was later afternoon somewhere in the world. I must say I thoroughly enjoyed my drink and my birthday. It was a glorious weekend with just me & the wifey living it up for our days O' birth.
The trip was a much needed break from the humdrum drudgery our everyday Stockton lives. This was a much needed change a little relaxation Contra Costa County style. The more we stay in Stockton the more poisoned our souls become by the crap and grime this city brings. I believe this city to be the true basis for the City portrayed in the classic Teen show Buffy the Vampire slayer. Yes I am saying Stockton is the Hellmouth....the gateway to the dark evil places not often seen to the human eye but felt incredibly hard by every spirit it comes across.
WE must escape this city any way we can. Whether its through some sick stroke of luck or a chemical escape (this is why so many people here are druggies i mean its the easiest way to forget you are STUCK in STOCKTON) WE must endure and get out any way possible. I truly do hate it here and question why former residences were ever left only to have me end up here. Please any rich old lady who wants to adopt a poor soul... fuck saving a sick puppy damn the one eyed cat Save a STOCKTONIAN we are the world's most needy creatures. WILL I ESCAPE TODAY (Sarah Mclachlan playing in the background)

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