Monday, February 8, 2010

One down a Lifetime more to go

Started my new gig today and after a full day of learning must say I think I will truly enjoy this job. I had no real idea what I was getting myself into, but I knew it was time for a change and its safe to say CHANGE has definitely come. I truly feel I may have found a job that will suit me for the long haul at this place. 
Good time today learning the ropes. Realized I work with some pretty amazing people. My new team, although small, is a good crew of knowledgeable people and I hope to be able to live up to the expectations they have for me. Once I get the hang of the procedures I am confident I can rock the desk. I know i can keep things running smoothly. The center is a shuttle and I am MISSION CONTROL bitches. Hopefully being fresh from the floor can help me do my knew job without forgetting the challenges the people are dealing with who are still doing my old job. Sometimes people need a little break from the bitchiness of the call center floor. So I know what can be best for the masses as I too was a phone jockey. 
For me to say I'm happy to be off the phones is an understatement. I hope I can rock this job so I don't get sent back down to the phone pit. I like controlling the flow of calls more then taking the calls. Call me a dick if you want, but I know i was good on the phones & I know I was good to our customers the sad part they weren't very good to me. Don't get me wrong the good people probably out number the bad; the problem is the bad ones are the people who stick into your brain. I waited, I persevered, I endured until my breaking point came and so I LEFT. No need to lose the job when I can just move to a better less stressful position (well not LESS stressful just LESS customer drama). Will I ever return to the phone in any sort of capacity (lead?, training assist?, supe?) only time will tell. In all honesty I'll happily do it if I have to, but if it's not required I think I'd be much happier away from that end of the business. 

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