Thursday, October 22, 2009

Where to Now?

So many years spent on the road no real destination in mind just traveling through towns cities communities and assorted lives. I call no place "Home". I call everyone "Friend". I lead the life of a gypsy, but after 20+ years I must stop and ask myself where to now? Never before have I known what life had in store for me, yet now I find myself wanting to have a plan. In my past I was never truly aware how long my stay in any location would last, but now I find myself wanting to take root in one place though where that place is I have no clue. Be it age or exhaustion I find myself trying to cling to a vine with which to tie my life into place, but there are no vines for me there is no place I shall ever call Home. No mine is a life made to wander. Now don't you dare go pitting me for I have seen things most will never see. I have experienced things most will never experience. The world has been my playground and I have thoroughly enjoyed running her streets, swimming in her waterways, and embracing the many souls who inhabit her. All these things being blessing and yet I crave something more. Something permanent. Something.... fulfilling. Maybe I should pick a location at random and attempt to set my life up there, but I fear doing would really suck to pick the absolutely wrong location from the draw of a hat. So what to do? Where to go? I know I'll just drink and when I sober up wheresoever I am that's where I shall permanently stay. Just hope I don't wake up on a ship... again; the sea and I just don't get along. My time on the SS Rust Bucket were the longest 3 years of my life. Just me and a ship full of sea men.... after that I knew how Kim Kardashian's belly must have felt any given weekend of her late teens. But I digress that's a story for another day and it gets me off my point. Wait what was my point......SHIT...... I knew i started drinking to early.

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