Saturday, July 14, 2012

Glory glory Hallelujah

Bask in the glory of the almighty love.  The power the grace of his love compels you. Be a better person for it's simply in us all. He sent his son to save you. To rescue us all from ourselves. His love is never ending. It deserves better then keeping his old dusty book upon our shelves. Read his words of wisdom. In each sentence you can feel the touch of the love brought from on high the almighty, this love should be more then enough. So why do we run from it? Why do some look at it an sneer. Why roll your eyes when its presented to you when we know the words are strong. Is it to much a bother to listen when the preacher goes on and on? So you buck away from the system you want to do it your own way. You do your best to stay on the righteous path and ignore the steadfast believers as they tell you how you've strayed. What people fail to realize not everyone's faith is the same. You may feel the love of the almighty but you sense it in your own unique particular way. So I say these words onto you. The righteous and even some of ye damned. The Lord thy God the ALMIGHTY FATHER always awaits for you with wide open hands. Welcoming you into the light of joy and happy. Welcoming you into the eternal bliss. Though the path too him may seem skewed to some the end result doesn't have to be hit and miss. If you want to reach the promised land to spend eternity in glory at your end. The way to the gates is simple accept HIM as your savior with you whole heart not just as a social whim. Believe the word that's been spoken listen to the message that's been preached. When you do this simple gesture blessed glory can be reached. You may not believe what I'm saying. You may not always understand. You may feel I have no right to speak these words to you, maybe you never saw me as a saved and righteous man. Know that I may have my flaws and often this life I walk through while half awake, but my love for my Lord is honest and my faith in him you shall never take.

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