Sunday, October 9, 2011

The circle seems to be closing

It May seem a bit crazy for me to say,  but a lot of people seem to be dropping lately. I mean yes I know people are born and die everyday, but I'm just seeing a wave a death hitting us. Everywhere I turn another death is being reported. Another life lost. Another mind vanquished. Yes it's all part of the grand plan, but what if the plan isn't all that it seems? We shall never know what is truly intended for us. Hell, it doesn't say anywhere that end the end we will even find out what we were meant to do. Frankly we just may never know. 
Honestly death isn't what frightens me at night, its the never knowing what could have been. Now we all fear the unknown, but this bit of unknown goes on unspoken. Think about all the millions of directions your life could have taken. Everyday is filled with choices that shape and change our existence. So ever wonder what might have been had a few just a few different choices had been made. Think about this, as few as 4 difference choices made by an individual can radically shape how said person would end up. So I'm saying One or Two early choices may be the deciding factor of whether you will be Rich or Poor and also help shape whether you die at 50 or 90. Life is all about choices, so I ask you are you happy with the choices you have made?

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