Wednesday, June 1, 2011

That being said......

Cold hard fact of life: sunshine brings happiness while complete darkness remind us of the cold grip of death. Then again that could just be me.

So as much as I like the night I've grown very fond of my days. This was not always the way my mind body and soul worked. I was at one time a creature of the night. Was most often seen roaming in the dark seeking out excitement avoiding daylight at all costs. Now however, I am living in the sunshine sleeping away my nights.

So far so good things change with time and time continues to move on with or without you. Everyone matters to so many though in the grand scheme of things you have touched so few. Life is what you make of it. All things are subject to the rule of cause and affect. No matter the situation there will always be two sides of every equation. Just a little something to note as I speak of nothing.
- a look inside the mind of D -

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