Sunday, May 2, 2010

You shouldn't say F**K

Why you ask? It's simple; f**k is the worst word that you can say. Unfortunately for me I find myself thinking and speaking it so frequently you would swear I was a post WW2 sailor on shore leave.

Why do I let loose with such profanity you ask. That answer is also very simple; I'm finally losing my mind surrounded by so much insanity.  Work shouldn't be stressful after all my job is hardly rocket science which begs the question why are we acting like its the hardest thing in the world. I mean come on I work in a call center. Phones ring and I'm there to make sure people are available to pick up. Simple enough right. So why do I get shit piled on me from all angles? I can't get people on the phone when I need them and somehow its my fault when calls are holding for a long time. My job as a scapegoat is getting tiring & I must say I think its time for someone else to take the blame.  I have never been one to point fingers, but I'm ready to start telling tales. It's survival of the fittest and I refuse to be crushed under the thumb of those who seek to destroy me. Yeah that's right I am finding my true enemies. Hey just cuz you're paranoid doesn't mean everyone is NOT out to get you.

FUCK is the worst word that you can say so I just say m'kay

a look inside the mind of D

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