Tuesday, April 13, 2010

All paths lead to wherever you believe them to lead

OK lets get religious shall we? Figure I rant on everything else why not a bit more insight into my religious views. Now they may seem like a cop out to some or misguided but plain and simple I feel everything in this world is interconnected. There is never just 1 truth this is true in life and I see it in Religion. Believe what you'd like but all things are tied into one another. Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Hinduism and even Greek & Roman teachings. It all intertwines and takes from one another. So I ask why do we have such battles over who is right who is wrong. Who in the end WINS really shouldn't matter. Of course I know it does since its in our nature to be the best you know survival of the fittest and all. OH yes and to all the atheist out there your supposed LACK of beliefs are just as tied into everything as well. You don't believe me? Well get any hardcore atheist to talk to you about EVOLUTION or BIG BANG THEORY and present them with the hummer size holes in the theory (Big Bang = a 1 in a billion cosmic accident that has never been recreated though we can define what had to fall into place for it to happen. EVOLUTION = if we evolved from primates then why should there still be primates currently around? I mean if we evolved why wouldn't they ALL evolve also in survival of the fittest the FIT never become something completely different just a more adaptive version of what it already was so once again why are WE how we are?) and watch there passions rise and the fire and thunder they present their defense with well my friends those theories they so blindly believe in I call that FAITH and those ideals those are their religion. So exactly what makes the Atheists of the world so much different from the faithful? 
All beliefs all faiths all religions are to each their own. You may believe whatever it is you believe, but I assure you someone out there sees it differently then you. You may call yourself a Christian but there are thousands of others who would see their Christianity different then you see yours. This fact is what I see defines the difference between faith and religion. It is also why I have never seen myself a fan of what we call RELIGION. Religion is the cause of wars the cause of pain and suffering the world over. People's intolerance for others is most often the cause of a religious belief or ideal. Your faith doesn't make you look down on someone who is different your religion does that for you. Religions are different but FAITHS are all the same. To define Faith: Faith is the confident belief or trust in the truth or trustworthiness of a person, concept or thing. That being said faith is a general term that we all can agree means to same to me you and everyone else simply put having FAITH is a good thing being religious might not necessarily be the best thing. Don't get me wrong I have no problem with someone being religious for as i see it Religion is Faith in action. The only real problem is what ACTION your religion guides you to take with your faith, but I digress. I could sit here and right a book on this subject that basically would go nowhere because my view is a bit conflicted. I find myself having an internal debate between what I feel in my heart on the subject and its a clear cut two sided debate. What do i believe based on common sense and life experience? VS What do I believe based on what growing up in religious schools and the baptist church has taught me?  Its all free will vs the will to be free. In closing I have faith I know of religion but mainly I believe in being a good person and bringing something worth bringing to the world around me. 

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