Sunday, November 1, 2009


Life is full of trials and tribulations. Everyone deals with life in their own special way. Some drink, some get high, a few sleep with countless strangers on any given night while others follow those who are sleeping with countless strangers on any given night in hopes that on one special night they to can become one of the countless strangers. Since I'm married I gave up most of those former ways to deal and have taken up writing through my ups and downs of life. Happy times call for stories of joy and humor while the truly shitty days may bring about tales of sadness and death, though usualy with a humorous twist. In the end I find writing theraputic and I hope you the reader find it entertaining. All I know for sure is I will not be stopped no matter what life throws at me I shall continue to express myself in the form of the written, more like typed, word. I shall type...text....and on rare occasion hand written though I would hold my breath for that one. So in closin
g thanks to all who read me and to those that don't well they can suck the world's fattest donkey dong... Yeah I said it what they gonna do about the illiterate bastards can't take 5 minutes out of their precious lives to help a struggling wordsmith by reading his blog... They can sit and spin for all I'm concerned.... And to all my newest readers those previous remarks weren't about you at all just everyone else you know.

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