Friday, June 5, 2009

Check My Style Out

RAP SONG RAP SONG.... OK only like 1 or 2 people would even get that joke so that was semi pointless. Honestly don't have much to blog about these days. Super pissed I didn't hang onto an extra 400 in order to get my Pre this weekend but that's fine I'll get it with the next 2 weeks without fail. Most of my time these days has been spent working a job with no future and stealing moments away in my work day to Tweet my clever or useless thoughts to all who would listen including a few comedians who seem to find me entertaining but have no way to help me launch a career outside of the computer but OH WELL one day I'll figure out how to make this all work out for me. Till then all I will have are my RANDOM WORDS which is what my tweets can best be described as. I've tried making use of them and try and turn the twitter account into something. First seeing how many bots were invading the thing TONS then seeing what celebrities i could get to follow me like i'm someone FEW and finally seeing all the funny porn people TONS but my follows from that industry make me clicking on my followers page NSFW so yeah it has been an interesting adventure this world of twitter, but I say find out for yourself its highly entertaining I definitely can say that much about it. Want to read my words then just hope on over to HERE

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