Tuesday, May 26, 2009

I get annoyed real easy

This being the case it really doesn't take me to long to get real tired of a subject when being force fed people's opinions. Now I can't say I'm not on a clear defined side when it comes to the gay marriage debate, but I can say I don't see it as clearly as others. I see two human beings loving each other and wanting to make the ultimate commitment to each other and that love. I say that's great. If they want to be married who am I to stop them, but I tell you one thing I'm sick and tired of the whining moaning and bitching coming from both sides about it. With civil unions forced to be recognized, by most then what this boils down to is how the word MARRIAGE is somehow a sacred word. Now personally as an adopted child whose BIRTH family abandoned and adopted parents divorcing while I was young I don't see what's so holy about the word MARRIAGE.
I Married my wife because I love her want to spend my life with her and its the only way the STATE and FAMILY would be forced to RECOGNIZE and ACKNOWLEDGE that fact. Would I be so pissed if i could only be seen as a UNION? No i wouldn't but that's just me. I do recognize how the word Marriage seems so important, but I can't say I understand why.
Now on the flip side of the coin are the people who have the nerve to deny someone their right to use the word. I really don't understand why they are fighting for it so hard. More then half of the couples they deem "normal" don't end up honoring those vows they see as so sacred. With that being said it seems to go back to the Bible (as it so often does) and what is "Moral and Just" according to God's word (not that the words came directly from God but rather scholars or God and stories passed down GENERATIONS before ever being placed in book form). All I know is in all my LOVELY years as a Christian school student followed by Catholic High School the Bible isn't to be taken so damn literal. As my mom says about my beliefs "you can't pick and choose", but as I've pointed out to her on more then one occasion everyone who says they 100% follow the Bible at its word are either LIARS or they too are picking and choosing. How can you tell me the BIBLE says marriage is only between a MAN and a WOMAN. Actually most cases in the bible show marriage between 1 man and SEVERAL women, but we shun that now which i find funny. Also that whole DIVORCE thing wasn't happening. You got tired of your Husband/Wife you had to kill their ass to be rid of them. Are we really trying to go back to the "OLDEN TIMES"?

Hey call me ignorant call me whatever you want frankly at this point I just no longer care. I feel everyone should have the right to be married, No i don't believe the next step is us marrying our animals (u gotta be kidding ultra conservatives) and I damn sure don't justify pedophilia (that's wrong on every level throughout most of history) all I know is if you're beliefs tell you GAY is WRONG and they are going to hell then why are you feeling the need to make a HELL ON EARTH for them. Remember the GOLDEN RULE or NO MAN SHOULD JUDGE LEST HE BE JUDGED or HE WITHOUT SIN CAST THE 1st STONE. Once again if you don't follow those basic biblical rules I damn sure don't want to hear your take on marriage

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great point baby!!! NB