Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Rebel Assault

The longer I stay unemployed the more news i watch, and the more news I intake
and digest the more disgusted I get with how things are run in this country. The more i deal with the EDD and their false sympathy and fake assurances that they understand the plight of the unemployed and they are just there to help the more I feel like burning down buildings and jabbing preppies in the eye. There is so much stupid shit that goes on in this country on the daily it just blows my mind. Land of the FREE home of the bravado. My favorite thing about this great place we live is the fact that I have every right to bitch and complain about my surroundings, but in doing so I really don't need every annoying ass bitch to remind me how LUCKY i am that I get to do so. I know this is a great place to live compared to some third world countries or some countries with a stifling government beating their citizens down into total submission. Yes life in this country could be a lot worse, but let's not kid ourselves it damn sure could be a lot better people.
The ultimate problem is there are plenty of people who recognize the problem, but so very few who can come up with a true solution. I feel the ultimate thing holding us back from all being able to prosper and succeed are the needs of special interest groups and lobbyist. As much as we'd love to believe there are such things as HONEST POLITICIANS lobbyist make that idea impossible. We will never be able to separate our government from OIL, TOBACCO, ALCOHOL, or anything else deemed bad by the masses but worth a ton of money. Those industries are not so secretly running things. Why do we allow this i say NO WAY well unless I can get a well paying job in any of those industries. I mean I have morals but I can be bought I'm just being honest

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