Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Shocked and Amazed

Thought I'd be sitting here bored out of my mind wishing, begging, and/or pleading to return to work. Scratch and claw my way back into my old position, but as i sit here staring at yet another screen away from the office i feel a renewed sense of happiness. No more backstabbing bitter bitches talking shit on everyone while smiling in your face like they aren't doing it to you. Who knew office work could be such a cut throat industry. We don't work for commision, no one has a better chance of going permanent then anyone else, there is honestly nothing to gain from being two faced and deceitful and yet they do it constantly. Frankly looking back on it I find it a bit amusing. So many fake people in a room waiting for the big bossman to throw a bone of a lower pay permanent position. Sad really, but thats how government works i suppose. All I know as i sit here waiting on the next opportunity for life to disappoint me i have no regrets. I like my life no i'm not in LOVE with all thats going on, but I know and truly believe it could be a whole lot worse.
In the end the job did rekindle my passion to write about the world around me and the funny things people do. Also made me realize why so many people hate on the government they make themselves an easy target. So for now I will continue to look for a better opportunity to make myself known to this world. D is coming and all shall bow before me. Umm a bit much right? Well I'm still coming and well you don't have to bow but you can at least kneel all I know is its blinding looking directly into my awesome glory.

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