Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Positive Reinforcement for negative people

So often in this world good deeds go unnoticed and every bad act becomes the definition of a person. Be it at school, work, or at home with family; we've come to expect the worse and fail to appreciate the best. This has become the most horrible modern day fact of humanity. We fail to see the good and only reflect on the bad. Well I say NAY to that and NAY to my acceptance of this fact. 31 years on this planet has taught me one thing, never expect things to change if you are unwilling to change them yourself.

So I from here on out plan to be a more positive person. Not only that I shall reinforce the positivity when I communicate with others. Honesty is great, but generous honesty is much better. So if knowing you has added any kind of blessing to my life I will happily let you know. True friends often don't know how amazing their friendship or beneficial the knowledge of them have been to others. So let them know sometimes it's best to do more then just show. If you are reading this then you my friend have had a keen affect on my life. Whether you LOVE or HATE my mind as long as you considered them I'm proud to call you buddy, pal, friend, and/or colleague.

- a look inside the mind of D -
the recipe above is for all who enjoy tasty spirits. Please enjoy responsibly, or not,as long as you ENJOY!

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